Cosmetics - what should be my first next step?

At TRC we always start with your portfolio, formulations, data and documents and most importantly with your commercial priorities and timelines. As a first step we assess the possibilities for EU CPNP notification, and estimate lead-times and needed resources by yourself and TRC.

Start to collect your data and documents

Even before beginning to discuss any formal contract details, we start the process with a quick scan of your portfolio and product positioning, for example on your website or in a product brochure.

And contact us

A scan of your raw material and product formulations, and the supporting data and documents gives our experienced senior experts immediate insights.

Based on your commercial priorities and timelines we will discuss when to start, what part of your portfolio to focus on, and which activities to start with that are on the critical time path towards meeting your deadlines. We will also be able to identify and highlight potential interdependencies and risks.